Can you believe it, our little MOlly is now 2. It seems like yesterday that she was born. She is such a cute little girl. Here is a tribute to our Molly.
1. She has 3 sisters- 2 older and one younger
2. She loves THE EDEN and ask to "pet the Eden" all the time, it is so cute
3. She loves to sing- "Popcorn popping on the apricot tree," "I'm so glad when Daddy comes Home," and "5 little Monkeys."
4. She wants to do whatever the big girls are doing.
5. She is very sweet.
6. She is always laughing, but when she cries- SHE IS LOUD
7. She is pretty loud, and lets us know she is around
8. She loves to go for a BYE BYE
9. Her Grandma Inglet loves her very much
10. She is a living doll, and she loves her mommy and daddy and sisters.
Molly, Grandpa and I are so glad you are in our family. You have given us some many laughs. We are glad that you like us to come and visit you. You are such a sweet little girl. Love ya, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY-