We have had another birthday in the family. Our Julia, Stephanie and Jason's oldest, just turned 9 on December 20th. It just doesn't seem possible that she is that old. It seems like yesterday she was born. Well here is her Grandma's tribute to our Julia.
1. She is a very pretty little girl
2. She is an excellent dancer- Julia can really ballet beautifully. My brag here, but her teacher put her in a pre point class. I can hardly wait to buy her her first toe shoes.
3. She is very smart. Last year she made the top 10 percent in the nation on her test
4. She is a wonderful big sister. She loves little Sydney so much, and is very kind to her.
5. She is Moms little helper. I have watched her even make cakes with her mom
6. She loves to sing. One of my favorite memories is when she was just about 5 she would sing the song Sleeping Beauty sings, and she was right on key with a vibrato to match
7. She loves to play with cousin Katelyn. They have always been best friends, and they have so much fun when they are together.
8. Julia plays the piano and gets to take her lessons from Grandma Ivey. That is a special time between grandma and granddaughter.
9. Julia loves Disneyland. She loves to stay with Aunt Kristie and see the princesses
10. Julia loves MR. PUPPETT and her Uncle Matt. They have a special relationship.
I am glad that Julia is our granddaughter. She is a very sweet, kind and loving little girl. At night her bedroom window looks right out on the Timpanoges Temple, and cousin Katelyn thinks that is quite special
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