Monday, September 29, 2008

Happy Anniversary Debi and Travis

Since I started this in Sept, I should give a tribute to Deb and Travis on their 12th anniversary. So here it goes.....
1. We love you both so much
2. You are so cute together
3. You like to travel
4. You really do like to run - yuck
5. You are competitive together- watch out to only do things you both want the other to do.
6. You make cute babies- how about some more?
7. You are TERRIFIC parents. You are so dedicated to your kids.
8. You are adventurous- you guys will try anything
9. You both have LEAD feet- lets talk tickets? HAHHAAHA
10. You love the church, and your both good teachers
11. You both love education and want your kids to have great educations.
HOW did you love that STEELER game. We watched for ya

1 comment:

Jill Jones said...

Roberta Inglet? What a small little world! I saw your comment on Julie Arfman's blog. She lives just a few houses down from me and is a good friend. Did Natalie (Knowles) Darling get a hold of you? I gave her your number a couple weeks ago.
Debbie (Jensen) Hart